BBQ restaurants are al fresco affairs. The tables are low to the ground and the patrons sit on teeny-weeny folding stools set up every night and which for months I was afraid to even try sitting on. And I may be able to sit on them now, but that doesn't mean I'm going to show you a picture of me sitting on a little folding stool. Here instead is Ross with some students, last spring's English speech contest participants, that Ross and I treated to a reunion dinner.
This is at our favorite BBQ place near the school. We're on a brick patio, under the trees, with ropes of lights strung between the trees (pic below right) Unfortunately we just can't get a photograph at night that does it justice. The tables are made of metal so that the restaurant owner can place a little portable BBQ filled with charcoal on it. We patrons order the meat and veg we want and it's brought to the table partially cooked.
The meat is seasoned -- in this area, mostly with cumin but I can't speak for other parts of China. You can also get cabbage, mushrooms, squid, chicken wings, variety meats, and tofu. The meat is cut into small pieces and threaded on narrow metal skewers. The tiny pieces cook very quickly.

And the perfect accompaniment is a bottle of Tsingtao beer, you betcha. We keep the bottle on the ground so it doesn't get warmed by the portable BBQ.
A great leisurely dinner on a warm summer night!